My Values

I’m influenced by things that I value most

Some of My Personal Values


As a coach, counselor, or consultant, I make every effort to avoid pushing my personal values on to my clients. I also acknowledge that as a human being I am always influenced by those things which I value the most. To help my potential clients feel comfortable I want to be transparent about what I strive to value in my life by word and action.

  1. Worshiping the Divine: Striving to understand and to act out the will of God. Through a religious structure, seeking to build a deep and abiding relationship with my Father in Heaven, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  2. Truth: Independent, objective, and stable reality that exists across time.
  3. Universal Human Worth: The belief in the infinite, unchangeable, and unique worth of every human being.
  4. Creation Ethos: A mindset of expansive creation. Intent, desire and action aimed at achieving a specific chosen outcome. A Creation Ethos may be self, or other focused.
  5. Other-Focused Creation Ethos: While both self and other focused creation ethos are powerful tools, I choose to prioritize an other-focused Creation Ethos. My decision to prioritize an other-focused Creation Ethos is largely tied to three reasons: Universal Human Worth, pursuing an other-focused Creation Ethos leads to high levels of meaning, happiness, and fulfillment, and an other-focused Creation Ethos is less susceptible to fear and avoidance.
  6. Eternal Gender: The two genders, male and female, while largely similar are also beautifully unique and complementary in deeply elegant ways. Much of the most enjoyable parts of life are found within the differences between woman and man.
  7. Family: The basic unit of society. Parent(s) and child(ren). Healthy families provide the best opportunity for human thriving.
  8. Liberty: The belief that all people inherently deserve liberty, and that all people require freedom of choice to fully thrive.
  9. The Golden Rule: The understanding that every human being has a personal, internal world of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and desires that they treasure, like we treasure our own. Therefore, we should treat others as we would have others treat us.
  10. Self-Determination: The belief that you own, and no one else owns, the results of your life.
  11. Striving for Excellence: Excellence is an endless pursuit. Be the best. Expect the best. Create the best. Continually reach new levels of growth and excellence. Cultivate character strengths.
  12. Create Opportunity: Provide people with opportunity. Look for and build on potential. As we build opportunities for others, we solidify our own.
  13. Integrity: When a person’s values, words, and actions are aligned. Honesty in word and deed.
  14. Empathy: To be aware of, in tune with, and to vicariously experience the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another without having these things fully communicated in an explicit fashion.
  15. Courage: To voluntarily act in the face of fear. Willingness to endure pain to obtain a desired outcome. With courage, people can act upon principles when principles are the most important and the most difficult to live.
  16. Compassion: Being sympathetic to another’s distress and wanting to alleviate it.
  17. Mercy: Compassion shown towards an offender or to one subject to your power.
  18. Be Industrious: Being industrious is finishing what we start. Hard work is a habit. Working smart is empowering. Results are crucial. Industry is what turns an idea into reality.
  19. Humility: Realize you do not have all the answers and still have much to learn. See oneself accurately. Don’t engage in inaccurate self-aggrandizement or self-deprecation but evaluate yourself fairly. Understand that working with others is often required to create success.
  20. Gratitude: To acknowledge and appreciate what you have.
  21. Discipline: Self-control gained through the deliberate, consistent application of principle.
  22. Human Growth: To create positive things for others is an honorable good. And if doing good for one is desirable, then it follows that doing good for many is also desirable. Because this is true, whenever possible, we should endeavor through our deliberate actions to expand our capacity to bless others. This is often referred to as growth.
  23. Loyalty: Firm allegiance to a person, idea, or organization.
  24. Duty: A moral obligation. Often in relation to family or community.
  25. Respect: To express an elevated or special regard or deference to someone or something that has earned it.
  26. Private Property: Something exclusively owned by an individual or organization.
  27. Patience: The ability to bear trials and pains calmly.
  28. Forgiveness: To let go of negative feelings towards someone who has caused offense. Not contingent on the offender apologizing and does not necessarily represent tolerance for unhealthy behaviors.
  29. Honor: To have a good name or to have earned a good reputation.
  30. Wisdom: Knowing what, when, how, and why to do things properly, or in other words, acting in ways that are in alignment with principle and healthy values that generate well-being.
  31. Be Accountable: Accountability drives action which leads to success. Be responsible for what you do. Proactively communicate the results.
  32. Joy: Positive, pleasant, and enjoyable emotional state of being which is created by living wisely.
  33. Justice: To receive or give what one deserves.
  34. Beauty: The collective qualities of a person, thing, or experience that brings joy to and edifies the human mind.
  35. Moderation: Avoiding extremes.
  36. Generativity: A desire to engage in acts that promote the well-being of younger generations to expand others’ spheres.
  37. Human Connection: Most of life’s meaning is derived from our human relationships. Very little in life is more central or important than our human connections.
  38. Optimism: Belief in the positive outcome of a situation flowing from deliberate action and tenacity.
  39. Expansive Creation: To bring something into existence through the deliberate act of intent, imagination, organization, work, and persistence. The product of an outward creation-ethos which tends to generate deep and lasting meaning in life.
  40. Perseverance: The ability to continue working towards a desired outcome, even in the face of intense adversity.

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